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中文美术导览:The Body in Pieces 

邀请您来和艺术史暨考古学系博士生曲维洵共同欣赏Mildred Lane Kemper Art Museum本期展览《The Body in Pieces》。本展览聚焦于Kemper Art Museum现代艺术馆藏中几位重要的欧美艺术家,像是让·杜布菲、费尔南·莱热、胡安·米罗等。来一起探索二十世纪初的艺术家如何籍由零散不全的身体画作来反映现代性。 

Student educator Weixun Qu, PhD student in the Department of Art History & Archaeology in Arts & Sciences, leads an interactive tour of The Body in Pieces. This exhibition draws on the Kemper Art Museum’s significant European and American modern art collection to explore how the fragmented body acted as a metaphor for modernity in early 20th-century art. Featured artists include Jean Dubuffet, Fernand Léger, and Joan Miró, among many others. 

Free and open to the public. Please check in at the Welcome Desk when arriving for the tour to secure your place. 


This program is funded in part by the Ken and Nancy Kranzberg Fund, the Trio Foundation, and a grant from the Women’s Society of Washington University. 

Image Credit 

Robert Motherwell (American, 1915–1991), Interior with Pink Nude, 1951. Oil on masonite, 43 7/8 x 54 15/16 in. University purchase, Charles H. Yalem Art Fund, and Gift of the Dedalus Foundation, Inc., 1995.