Let Us Feel Heartbreak: Contemporary Art and the Environment
August 17, 2024–ongoing

Artists in Exile: European Surrealists in the US during and after World War II
September 1, 2023–ongoing

Art on Campus
Learn about the Art on Campus program's growing collection
The Art on Campus program is a growing collection of public artworks by nationally and internationally recognized artists.
Collection Highlights
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Member and WashU Preview—Seeds: Containers of a World to Come
4:30 pm

Seeds: Containers of a World to Come
Steinberg Auditorium5:30 pm
Public Reception—Seeds: Containers of a World to Come
6:30 pm

Indigenous Perspectives II: Museums, Stewardship, and Native American Art
4:30 pm
The Mildred Lane Kemper Art Museum is free and open to the public. Its mission is to collect significant modern and contemporary art and preserve its collection for current and future generations; provide excellence in art historical research, exhibition, and object-based learning; and engage the campus population, its visitors and alumni, the St. Louis region, and the global art community.